29 October, 2008

Ideas about Love

I have two very extreme ideas about Love today..
- Love letters. I've given a lot of thought into this delicate matter. Which 21st century earthling is still depicting their affection to their loved ones with pen and papers? Yet, the idea of writing or receiving a love letter has, since time immemorial, been publicly accepted as a romantic gesture. Unfortunately everyone seems too busy to indulge in such display of affection. Don't even try to argue with me using 'love e-mails' or 'love faxes'. Those aren't written with your hand. Not many people living in this keyboard-typing era truly know the difficulty of putting their thoughts on papers- the idea-processing, the meticulous choice of words just to get the right message across, at the desired tone and pattern, hence evoking the desired emotions in the readers. Of course, not to be neglected is the tremendous joy of watching your reader following your lines of words eagerly and observe their grimaces that'd serve as the most honest compliment/condemn. These are joys you can't even begin to imagine as a user of electronic mails. I've never received a love letter before. I've never heard of any friends who have had either. Why don't people write them anymore? They are such poweful instruments of love. Don't anyone realise that? I know I can appreciate one, even if it was only to contain the simplest words. I'd just appreciate the effort put into the writing. Would you?

- Love was so much better when I didn't know what it was.
I used to like a boy, but what I liked most about him wasn't his looks, manners or the way he treated me. I just liked being close to him and feeling that I was wanted there, though he didn't express it in any way. I didn't use to interpret that as Love. It's just a feeling that I liked, and couldn't derive from anybody else, not even now.

I just slapped my right hand with my left hand. I want a love letter that'd define the affection one has for me, yet I think that Love is grander if I had had no way of defining it. Slap me.


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